Kamis, 27 Mei 2010

My Lovely Cat

He's my first cat,,my fussy cat.
and it is almost 2 years i'm taking care him..
i love this cat very much.

24th May 2010,,a few days past as usual he's go out and until now he never come back again.
i was looking for him each day..
but,,i never found him again.
and i feel so sad.
even if there are a lot of new cats in my house, he can't never be changed.
i always waiting for him come back home again..

2 komentar:

  1. come home eek.
    meskipun kamu bauk eek dan suka pipis sembarang. tapi kamu cool. sok cool maksudnya :P

  2. iyaa..
    haha..jadi kangen muka songongnya dia..:(
